Friday, 6 September 2013

God helps those who help themselves
This is a saying which I thing is 80% Is true but sometimes I things all this is fake .In my experience god exists but not in actual word but in form of people ,for me my god is my parents as they are the ones who have brought us to this world and have made us so capable that where we are know is all because of them if they were not there for us we would have never been able to reach such a high position in our lives and how much ever I thank them is less as if I try my whole life also to do something for them I won’t be able to pay off for everything that they did for me and I am very thankful to them.
The true goal of human life is happiness -- happiness, peace, satisfaction, fulfillment, well-being, enlightenment. So,the best place to apply the principle "God helps those who help themselves" may be in the emotional/psychological aspect of life. There we find the most direct and powerful impact on personal happiness and well-being. And there can be no doubt that God is more interested in spiritual wealth than material wealth.

We have got everything so easily that we don’t know how difficult is was for our parents to achieve that in their whole life and we just waist all what they have earned for their whole life in like few seconds of minutes we think all this is free and spending it is very easy and we are so happy that dad gave us money lets go and do shopping but we never realize that from we’re did this money come to him and how much hard work as been put into it to achieve that small amount of money sorry for saying small amount that small amount is actually a large amount for the person who struggles the whole day and earns it and then gets it at home and gives it to us so that we are happy and we are having our proper meals ,I really feel proud of the children of the poor as they know what is the importance of money in their life as they know the actual importance of it more than we so they have struggled to get that money and there scarifies and their parents have done they have done for them and are doing they have not gone to school as they know that it is not possible but instead of feeling bad they help their parents in such small ages from the start and when they are big enough they are already independent so they are able to work and earn money and feel proud for what achievements they have done. All what they do in there early ages they are, I hoped that we also knew the importance of all this and were able to do something for them and make them proud and I really love my parents for all the things they have done for me.

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