Friday, 6 September 2013

Girls aren't inferior. They never were!

the struggle of girls in India  :-(Discrimination against female children has been a topic of debate. It has been a subject of concern and sociological significance. This subject raises the cultural aspects about the role of a female child in society, what her human rights are as a human being and a number of sensitive issues.This issue is important because there is nearly universal consensus on the need for gender equality. Gender based discrimination against female children is pervasive across the world. It is seen in all the strata of society and manifests in various forms. As per the literature, female child has been treated inferior to male child and this is deeply engraved in the mind of the female child. Some argue that due to this inferior treatment the females fail to understand their rights. This is more predominant in India as well as other lesser developed countries. Sex selection of the before birth and neglect of the female child after birth, in childhood and, during the [teenage] years has outnumbered males to females in India and also in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and South Korea. These numbers tell us quite a harsh story about neglect and mistreatment of the female child in India. Women have a biological advantage over men for longevity and survival, however, in spite of this there are more men than women. The figures above support that gender discrimination of female child is a basic facility area. Though the demographic characteristics do not show much or in some cases, anti-female bias, there is always a woman who receives a small piece of the pie.

EducationIt has often been argued that women’s education is the key to reducing discrimination against daughters. However, female literacy rate has risen from 15% to 54%, even as the [juvenile][sex] ratio has fallen. Furthermore, some studies have shown that educated mothers are far more “efficient” in discriminating against their daughters than uneducated mothers. Other studies have shown that higher levels of maternal education decreases mortality for both boys and girls, the effect is larger for girls, thus providing evidence that higher levels of maternal education decrease gender differentials in child mortality. On the other hand, there is also evidence that maternal education at the district and [household] levels is weakly associated with increases in female survival At a macro level, in general high female literacy states—Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Goa—each with relatively high female education levels have shown less discrimination towards girls but in the past 20 years, high female literacy has not stopped Delhi and Tamil Nadu from showing increased discrimination against female child.
The female child in India is often deprived from her right of an education. The basic facility of education is deprived to her. Also, even if she is in school, the number of girls dropping out of school far exceeds the boys. Definitely, this is because she is expected to help at home, either in household work like washing, cooking or help in taking care of her younger siblings. Since girls spend more time completing domestic/household chores and this increases the gap between female and male equality in rural parts of India, it perpetuates the myth that education is of no help to the girl and her primary job will be to look after the household work, get married early, have children and then raise them. If this is the job she has to do, then education is of no importance to her and it is not imparted. Also, even with education and financial independence, women might not get the same rights and liberties which a man may have. It is through education in the early days of a child that we can bring about behavior changes and open doors to opportunities that will enhance their confidence, personality and career. Often in these communities, women, in particular, are considered an inferior sex and are raised to accept this belief. Nearly 80% of the girls drop out from standards I to V. Out of the 100 girls that enroll in class 1 only 42 reach class V. Among [Schedule Castes] and [Schedule Tribes], many of those who live below poverty line of the 100 girls only 19 reach class V. Many of these girls work in the unorganized sectors such as the beedi industry .Two characteristics of beedi workers stand out: one, their being largely home based, and the other the predominance of women and girl children. The beedi sector represents the gender division of labor because most of the women along with girls sitting at home do the [beedi] making and boys are not involved in it.

UNWANTED CHILDREN: FEMALE INFANTICIDE AND FOETICIDE IN INDIAFemale foeticide, the act of aborting a foetus because it is female, is a major social problem in India where there is a strong preference for sons over daughters.A recent study found 500,000 unborn girls were being aborted every year. A UNICEF report in 2006 revealed that 10 million girls were killed - either before they were born or immediately after - by their parents from 1986 in India.The practise is most prominent in Gujarat and the North Indian states, where there are low recorded rates of female children. Female infanticide, the act of killing unwanted baby girls, is a long-standing cultural problem across the whole of the Indian sub continent owing to the patriarchal nature of society.Male children are preferred in the belief they will bring wealth and prosperity to the family while female children are often viewed as burdens.Another factor is the dowry system, where the family of the bride give a large sum of money or valuable goods to the groom and his family.Although the dowry system has been outlawed it continues to be deeply ingrained in Indian culture.Families with several daughters can find the practise of paying a dowry a serious burden.Female foeticide began in the early 1990s as a result of the availability in India of ultrasound techniques capable of determining the sex of an unborn child.As a result, 80 per cent of Indian districts have reported a greater ratio of male to female children since 1991.The practise is believed to have led to an increase in human trafficking with women being bought and sold as brides in areas where there are a greater proportion of men.

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